This year I have many things to be thankful for, and since I have been woefully undisciplined in posting for the gratitude community I thought I'd write about some of them. First, since I haven't officially said so here yet I will be thankful for our 4th child, due in late April. Our fall has been a whirlwind of change and transitions so finding out we were pregnant was quite a surprise. Bob and I took a little while to get used to it, but with each doctors visit where the baby is healthy we get a little more excited. Pregnancy can be quite difficult on my body so I am also thankful that so far it hasn't been nearly has tough as we have come to expect.
I am so thankful that school is going well for all 3 of our school aged children (I include Bob's kid brother in that number, since he lives here and all). Kid and Boy both love their teachers and have made new friends and learned things and are growing by the minute. I am thankful for 2 mornings each week to spend one on one with Baby, who loves the extra attention and is just so cute Bob and I can barely stand it. Also for her entering the stage where she learns new words every day and is so excited to have us understand her better with each one. My girl is a delight and we are thankful she is part of our family.
I am thankful for 'Bill' my kid brother in law. He is a great guy and watching him interact with our kids is so much fun. Plus he and Bob get to hang out a lot, which is so sweet to me; the age difference means they haven't lived in the same house since Bill was very young and they've missed each other.
I am thankful we have enough food to eat and a warm house to sleep in each night. And for little boys who still want to come snuggle their Daddy & Mommy in the mornings when they wake up, even though they're getting so big.
I am thankful for a husband who works hard every day to provide for us, and still wants to play with his kids and talk to his wife when he gets home. I am thankful for the stupendous man Bob is, and for the opportunity to share my life with him.
I am thankful for snow in the mountains, and our plans to play in them this winter.
I am thankful for Kid and Boy and their ridiculous boyish energy. They never stop, and while that can be exhausting they are so smart and funny and adorable and goofy that I cannot get enough of them.
I am thankful for my family and friends who are wonderful and crazy all at once.
Today, I am just thankful. Its a mindset I plan to cultivate more in my life.