Saturday, January 23, 2010

My first post

I am a SAHM to 3 children, ages 5, 3 and 7 months. My oldest, Superkid(SK) is a comet of boyish energy and many many--so very very many--words. Then comes our second son, Wonderboy. WB is more pensive and visibly emotional and easily cuddled but still with typhoon-like intensity. Baby is quite possibly the sweetest little person ever born. Honestly. She is a great balance to her brothers' intense natures. They are dear, and adorable and exhausting and infuriating and awesome all at once, and usually without apology. I have a completely amazing husband, who dreams big and lives in the tension between those dreams and the realities of raising a family. He's alarmingly talented at nearly everything which can be intimidating even to me sometimes. I call him Bob. It isn't his name, so sometimes he gets confused.
We love Jesus and believe God is good and deserves nothing less than our complete obedience and humble worship. That isn't usually an easy order to fill but we keep trying. We also love our families, friends and the family dog. I fully intend to keep things fairly anonymous, to give me the freedom to be more blunt and vulnerable than I might be otherwise. It isn't as though people who actually know us wouldn't realize this is us, but I want to protect my children and their privacy. So no cute kid pics here, sorry folks.

Our life often feels overwhelmingly out of control. 3 kids, a dog, one income, always one more thing that should be done, one more place for us to direct our time and energy. I spent a long time frustrated by the constancy of those needs. My kids needs, my husbands needs, my needs, the needs of a lost and hurting world all around me.
I wanted things to be easily ordered and managed and neat. Alas, life is just messy; people are messy and complicated and unpredictable.

And so it is that I am attempting to embrace the many twists and turns God sends my way. I will endeavor to embrace them wholeheartedly and without fear; when I cannot be wholehearted I will at least be willing; if I cannot banish fear I will try to be courageous enough to act anyway. In this, as in all things, I will do my best to act and speak and live in love and truth. If I can do those things, I think I can find peace amidst the chaos of my life.
Here's hoping.

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