In my family, my mother makes quilts when babies are born. Cousins, neighbors, co-workers, pretty much anybody she knows and likes a lot gets a quilt. Or anyone she feels obligated to make one for too but let's not digress into her issues with felt obligation. And my aunts and cousins make one for the firstborn child in each family too, so we have a lot of quilts around here. Anyway my SIL (hubby's sister) just had a baby and since he's the first cousin for us on Bob's side I thought I'd continue the tradition. I thought I had until mid-May to finish it, but then he was born early and I decided to try and get it done before her baby shower. The shower is on Saturday and since it's in another state I wanted to mail it by today to avoid the ridiculous cost of overnight shipping. And you know what? I actually did it! I finished something on time, and managed to make it turn out pretty much the way I planned!
This is big. I'm a procrastinator and a non-finisher. More than that I am not a 'crafty' girl and my sewing knowledge is minute. My mother is quite proficient, but I never paid enough attention to learn much. At any rate I am pleased with the result and will not be embarassed to have them open it. So that's my week so far. I spent most of my non-kid time working on it steadily so I haven't done much else.
I'll have to keep in mind how many hours it takes from start to finish for next time though. The cutting and measuring actually took much more time than putting it together I think. Sewing machines are wondrous inventions by the way.
That's all for today.