Thursday, April 15, 2010

This is what I've accomplished this week:

In my family, my mother makes quilts when babies are born. Cousins, neighbors, co-workers, pretty much anybody she knows and likes a lot gets a quilt. Or anyone she feels obligated to make one for too but let's not digress into her issues with felt obligation. And my aunts and cousins make one for the firstborn child in each family too, so we have a lot of quilts around here. Anyway my SIL (hubby's sister) just had a baby and since he's the first cousin for us on Bob's side I thought I'd continue the tradition. I thought I had until mid-May to finish it, but then he was born early and I decided to try and get it done before her baby shower. The shower is on Saturday and since it's in another state I wanted to mail it by today to avoid the ridiculous cost of overnight shipping. And you know what? I actually did it! I finished something on time, and managed to make it turn out pretty much the way I planned!
This is big. I'm a procrastinator and a non-finisher. More than that I am not a 'crafty' girl and my sewing knowledge is minute. My mother is quite proficient, but I never paid enough attention to learn much. At any rate I am pleased with the result and will not be embarassed to have them open it. So that's my week so far. I spent most of my non-kid time working on it steadily so I haven't done much else.
I'll have to keep in mind how many hours it takes from start to finish for next time though. The cutting and measuring actually took much more time than putting it together I think. Sewing machines are wondrous inventions by the way.
That's all for today.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

I changed my mind

Instead of combining the gratitude list with this post I'm not. That was concise huh?
So anyway, I have been thinking lately about what my life would look like if I actually lived as though I am grateful for my life. For my redemption, my family, my home, even my dog. How would things be different if I could constantly act and think and feel as though my life is a wondrous gift and I shouldn't be wasting it complaining? Especially since nearly everything I whine about is inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. How would my worship and my communication with God be different if I acted as though I was a truly beloved child of a perfect Father instead of a petulant, needy child of a Father I too often perceive as uncaring or unkind or incapable?
I have no idea exactly what that life looks like. I do know my life now looks to most people(I know this because several people have told me so recently) as though I've been incredibly blessed and even the difficult things I deal with could be much much worse. I do have some hopeful thoughts on how it might possibly look. I'm going to write them down here, and then maybe come back and look at them in the future to see if I've had any success with this little experiment in hope.

I hope a life lived in gratitude will make me more loving, more patient, more generous with my time and energy and possesions. I hope it will make me a more supportive wife, and a less selfish one. And less dependent on Bob's grace--which he has a LOT of believe me. I hope it will make me a better Mom, who doesn't make my children feel they are a nuisance or a bother or an annoying interruption to my "oh-so important" daily tasks. I hope it will help me learn to control my wretched awful temper so I don't yell at my beautiful children just because I lack the self-control to remain calm. I hope it will give me more energy to simply live my life. I am very sick of being tired and I think changing my outlook will be life-giving to me.

I hope learning to live in a place of gratitude and appreciation for my blessings and the gift of my life and family will make me, quite simply, better. Better at being me, and better at loving those around me in the ways they need most. I hope.
Hope is a powerful thing. Now I just need to remember to harness that power and use it for good purpose.

Gratitude and Attitude

I am trying to be diligent about my gratitude posts. But I have other things I want to write today too, so this will be a combination post.

Sunshine on my windowsill.

Green green grass in my yard

A softly snoring dog. I love dogs.

A nephew who has entered the world with a splash, and is healthy despite that splash being 6 weeks before his due date.

The smell of spring.

Baby's tiny fingers that insist on feeding herself independently.

"Mamamamama Nanananana" (Baby's way of saying Mom, I'm tired and want to go to bed now)

Little friends trying to hug Baby, and her antics to avoid being interrupted from playtime.

Mohawks on little blond headed boys.

Being able to reassure a friend in need.

This makes 45 things I think. I'll have to re-count to be sure.

Its actually 44.

Monday, April 5, 2010

1000 things to be grateful for:

There have been so very very many things to be grateful for I'm not sure how to narrow it down.

Glorious, sunny spring weather. For multiple days in a row.

A backyard for the boys to play in.

The smell of dewy grass in the early morning.

An opportunity to have a much needed cry.

Snuggles from my kids. (I think I use this one a lot, but they're just soooo lovely)

Celebrating the resurrection with my faith community. We're a people who love a good party and this was definitely a good one.

My husband. I cannot say how thankful I am for his presence in my life often enough.

Doctors who can help a friend and her unborn baby stay healthy through some precarious events.

The anticipation of meeting that baby soon!