Thursday, April 8, 2010

I changed my mind

Instead of combining the gratitude list with this post I'm not. That was concise huh?
So anyway, I have been thinking lately about what my life would look like if I actually lived as though I am grateful for my life. For my redemption, my family, my home, even my dog. How would things be different if I could constantly act and think and feel as though my life is a wondrous gift and I shouldn't be wasting it complaining? Especially since nearly everything I whine about is inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. How would my worship and my communication with God be different if I acted as though I was a truly beloved child of a perfect Father instead of a petulant, needy child of a Father I too often perceive as uncaring or unkind or incapable?
I have no idea exactly what that life looks like. I do know my life now looks to most people(I know this because several people have told me so recently) as though I've been incredibly blessed and even the difficult things I deal with could be much much worse. I do have some hopeful thoughts on how it might possibly look. I'm going to write them down here, and then maybe come back and look at them in the future to see if I've had any success with this little experiment in hope.

I hope a life lived in gratitude will make me more loving, more patient, more generous with my time and energy and possesions. I hope it will make me a more supportive wife, and a less selfish one. And less dependent on Bob's grace--which he has a LOT of believe me. I hope it will make me a better Mom, who doesn't make my children feel they are a nuisance or a bother or an annoying interruption to my "oh-so important" daily tasks. I hope it will help me learn to control my wretched awful temper so I don't yell at my beautiful children just because I lack the self-control to remain calm. I hope it will give me more energy to simply live my life. I am very sick of being tired and I think changing my outlook will be life-giving to me.

I hope learning to live in a place of gratitude and appreciation for my blessings and the gift of my life and family will make me, quite simply, better. Better at being me, and better at loving those around me in the ways they need most. I hope.
Hope is a powerful thing. Now I just need to remember to harness that power and use it for good purpose.

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