My kids are determined to claim my intention, despite tons of one on one time with each of them this week, despite an entire family day yesterday and an outing this morning, despite Daddy being home and in the next room and more than willing and capable to help with anything they need. They just want Mommy. It is driving me insane to be honest, but I am even more determined to sit here and write for 5 minutes if it kills me.
I have been feeling what I can only call a divine push to write lately, but write differently than I have historically written here. I don't know what that means for this site, or for any other venues I may explore. I just know I NEED to write. I have a lot of thoughts and hopes and dreams and questions about how that will look and I am wrestling through all of those things and that is why I haven't been writing much.
I also have an intense, driving desire to simplify pretty much everything in my life as soon as humanly possible. I want fewer possessions, fewer events on our calendar, and fewer distractions from my big priorities in life. (God, Bob, kids are top 3) I want space and time to think through things and make good choices that reflect my values. I want room in my brain to consider new ideas and pray and try to change the things in my life that need changing. I want time to bake more and improve my sewing skills and maybe do a few projects around our house. I want to bike and walk by myself more often and soak up the peace that provides.
I want to actually live like I believe what I claim to believe, and I have no idea how. But I am going to keep trying because I am certain it will be worth it.
That is all for today.
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