Friday, September 30, 2011

Today is Friday

I think I will start doing some themed posts just to keep me writing. So since I so often hear 'Thank God its Friday' or TGIF, I think I'll use this as an opportunity to focus on what else I can Thank God for. How can I end that sentence without a preposition? It must be possible, but I can't figure it out.

Anyway, I am thankful for a visit with some wonderful relatives today who always make me feel like supermom.
I am thankful that Bob is on a fishing trip with a friend with whom he has been trying to plan a fishing trip for years.
I am thankful its a weekend trip and not something longer, so that I can avoid losing my mind at home with the children.
I am thankful my baby sleeps so very very well. Such a wonderful blessing to have (finally) a good sleeper.
I am thankful 'Boy is working so hard at learning self control, even though he doesn't really want to learn it at all.
I am thankful God is teaching me so much about my own need for self control, so that I can share that struggle with my wonderful son.
I am thankful Baby Girl(not the babiest anymore, but I can't decide on a new pseudonym) only stuck corn in her nose and not something more dangerous.
I am even more thankful our incredible doctor was able to shove said corn out the back of her nose into her throat, since it was in too far to pull out.
I am thankful for how well 'Kid reads, even though he's only six. Books are such treasures, I am excited to share more of them with him as he grows.
I am thankful for a quiet house and control of the remote this evening.
I am really, really thankful for the gift my brother sent us yesterday, because a box of fish is just a totally amazing gift. Have I mentioned how much I love food? I am an eater, not a fighter.
I am thankful my kids think a dinner of mac-n-cheese with bread & jam is perfectly acceptable and don't give me guilt trips over not preparing something more balanced.

That's quite a few things to be thankful for, and now I must go treat the sore throat for which I cannot honestly say I am at all thankful.

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