Today I am going to post twice!! First of all a short, but emphatic note to any and all readers to share with your friends and family.
I have 4 children. They are all younger than 7. Yes I am aware where they came from and what caused their existence. Yes they all have the same Dad. And YES FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY I KNOW I HAVE MY HANDS FULL!!!!! They are a lot of work and I stay quite busy each day loving and clothing and feeding and teaching and otherwise caring for them. I do that for a reason, and it isn't so that strangers in the street can make inane comments about my life. It is because I believe my children are one of God's most precious gifts to me and to Bob, from our loving creator. It is because I actually like my kids and value them as people. It is because I have lived through the loss of 2 of my unborn children and that ache makes me aware of how blessed I am to have 4 healthy children to care for each day. Furthermore, I do not feel any need to justify their existence to you, a stranger in the park or the grocery store. Bob and I happen to have 4 kids, and I really couldn't care less if you think that is too many or too few or just plain crazy. They're ours and we happen to think they're pretty great.
So kindly keep your infernal and incessant opinions and pithy remarks to yourself and let me get back to raising my children.
Thank you, I am done ranting now. I feel much better.
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