Monday, January 24, 2011

A new outlook to ponder

Yesterday during our worship gathering our pastor said something I cannot get out of my head. "We are responsible for our own joy." It is a quote from somebody, but I didn't catch the name. The whole point of the quote--or at least from my perspective--was that joy shouldn't be situational if you are a believer and follower of Jesus. The reality of God's grace and forgiveness and love are meant to be things that fill us with JOY regardless of our daily circumstances and challenges. He mentioned how often people come back from mission work or humanitarian aid trips saying "the people have literally nothing and yet they're so joyful."
Rather than use this sentiment as a means to activate our guilty conscience though, last night was about discovering the cause for that difference. And encouraging us all to work harder at cultivating that joy. We didn't get asked for more money or to volunteer at a fundraiser; we were asked instead to draw near to the God of the universe and live joyfully. He mentioned how much he hoped we could all learn to do this, because he feels certain a community of otherwise "normal" people in our city living in manifest joy would be transformational to our city.
It is the kind of idea that I love to savor and chew on awhile, and then apply somehow. I'll get to work on the chewing but feel free to share your thoughts on how to apply it.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Today is Wednesday. Boy has his preschool this morning, so it is just Baby and I and she is napping. She's a delightfully good little sleeper which we truly appreciate. Today we ran few errands after the boys were off to school; she got tired and just said 'Nigh Mama. Nigh.' Then she put her adorable little thumb in her mouth, hugged the stuffed hippo that is her favorite snuggly toy and went to sleep in her carseat. Her brothers were not so willing to give in to nap at this age so this is a lovely change.
Overall I am constantly amazed at how different her approach to the world is from Kid & Boy. Bob and I often wonder which differences are just because God made her a different person than they are, and which ones are only because she is a girl and they aren't. I am a firm believer that some types of differences are gender based, no matter what "experts" say about the whole nature/nurture argument. I hope as she grows up we can encourage her to enjoy her femininity without forcing her to fill any specific role. So far our sons are very masculine little people, but still able to express their emotions and be sweet, gentle, and a host of other traits often associated with girls. I pray the reverse will also be true for Baby.

I also pray it will be true for her baby sister once she joins us in the outside world.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Just as an update

Christmas and New Year's are over. School has restarted for Kid, Boy and Bill. Baby talks a lot, and mispronounces just enough things to be hilarious. Baby #4 is healthy and kicking like mad. She is the first of my unborn children ever to let the doctor listen to her heartbeat without chasing her around my belly first, which I enjoy. We have no idea what to name her. At all. Which is unusual for us, as we tend to like too many names rather than the reverse.

I am feeling decent this pregnancy, but exhausted nearly all the time and I get short of breath with little or no provocation which can be frustrating. We are so thankful she is healthy and so far there are no major complications.

Bob finished a big project over the holidays and I am thrilled he is done! I am hoping to start a few projects of my own soon and I like knowing he isn't mid-task on something too.

We got a new Bible for the kids and I am really enjoying reading it to them each day. Let's hope the truths it shares stick in the their little hearts.

That is all I can think of for right now. Enjoy your day--if anyone actually reads this thing.