Friday, September 30, 2011

Today is Friday

I think I will start doing some themed posts just to keep me writing. So since I so often hear 'Thank God its Friday' or TGIF, I think I'll use this as an opportunity to focus on what else I can Thank God for. How can I end that sentence without a preposition? It must be possible, but I can't figure it out.

Anyway, I am thankful for a visit with some wonderful relatives today who always make me feel like supermom.
I am thankful that Bob is on a fishing trip with a friend with whom he has been trying to plan a fishing trip for years.
I am thankful its a weekend trip and not something longer, so that I can avoid losing my mind at home with the children.
I am thankful my baby sleeps so very very well. Such a wonderful blessing to have (finally) a good sleeper.
I am thankful 'Boy is working so hard at learning self control, even though he doesn't really want to learn it at all.
I am thankful God is teaching me so much about my own need for self control, so that I can share that struggle with my wonderful son.
I am thankful Baby Girl(not the babiest anymore, but I can't decide on a new pseudonym) only stuck corn in her nose and not something more dangerous.
I am even more thankful our incredible doctor was able to shove said corn out the back of her nose into her throat, since it was in too far to pull out.
I am thankful for how well 'Kid reads, even though he's only six. Books are such treasures, I am excited to share more of them with him as he grows.
I am thankful for a quiet house and control of the remote this evening.
I am really, really thankful for the gift my brother sent us yesterday, because a box of fish is just a totally amazing gift. Have I mentioned how much I love food? I am an eater, not a fighter.
I am thankful my kids think a dinner of mac-n-cheese with bread & jam is perfectly acceptable and don't give me guilt trips over not preparing something more balanced.

That's quite a few things to be thankful for, and now I must go treat the sore throat for which I cannot honestly say I am at all thankful.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A new favorite quote

Today I read this quote from Lowell Bennion over at The Frugal Girl and it is my new favorite reminder to guard my thoughts and shepherd my own soul to the extent I am able.

“Learn to like what doesn't cost much.
Learn to like reading, conversation, music.
Learn to like plain food, plain service, plain cooking.
Learn to like fields, trees, brooks, hiking, rowing, climbing hills.
Learn to like people, even though some of them may be different...different from you.
Learn to like to work and enjoy the satisfaction of doing your job as well as it can be done.
Learn to like the song of birds, the companionship of dogs.
Learn to like gardening, puttering around the house, and fixing things.
Learn to like the sunrise and sunset, the beating of rain on the roof and windows, and the gentle fall of snow on a winter day.
Learn to keep your wants simple and refuse to be controlled by the likes and dislikes of others.”

That last line is echoing in my head right now and I hope to keep it there awhile. Anyone know how one learns to keep their wants simple?

Friday, September 9, 2011

Please read and give what you can!

This is a truly amazing organization and I wholeheartedly support what they are trying to do for refugee children in Thailand. They need money now to continue caring for those kids and to reach their goal of the orphanage becoming self-sustaining and therefore not need money later. It really isn't that much cash in the grand scheme of things, and as Carrien(one of the Charis Project founders) keeps saying, if 700 people give $10 that's all they need. I know how tight things are for most people right now, but I also now that even those of us on the tightest of budgets could probably find $5 or $10 dollars to share with such a wonderful cause.

Please visit their site and give if you can. Please. They run the risk of forfeiting some land they bought last year if they can't raise enough money. Losing the land means they also lose multiple opportunities to begin supporting themselves through agriculture and various businesses.


2 posts for today!

Today I am going to post twice!! First of all a short, but emphatic note to any and all readers to share with your friends and family.

I have 4 children. They are all younger than 7. Yes I am aware where they came from and what caused their existence. Yes they all have the same Dad. And YES FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY I KNOW I HAVE MY HANDS FULL!!!!! They are a lot of work and I stay quite busy each day loving and clothing and feeding and teaching and otherwise caring for them. I do that for a reason, and it isn't so that strangers in the street can make inane comments about my life. It is because I believe my children are one of God's most precious gifts to me and to Bob, from our loving creator. It is because I actually like my kids and value them as people. It is because I have lived through the loss of 2 of my unborn children and that ache makes me aware of how blessed I am to have 4 healthy children to care for each day. Furthermore, I do not feel any need to justify their existence to you, a stranger in the park or the grocery store. Bob and I happen to have 4 kids, and I really couldn't care less if you think that is too many or too few or just plain crazy. They're ours and we happen to think they're pretty great.

So kindly keep your infernal and incessant opinions and pithy remarks to yourself and let me get back to raising my children.

Thank you, I am done ranting now. I feel much better.